
Resources related to incentive travel; Destination eBooks, Foundation Impact Report, Manifesto Series & more

eBook Series

Destination eBooks by SITE are discovery handbooks created by SITE for, and on behalf of, destinations seeking to build purposeful connections with incentive travel professionals and thereby increase their inbound incentive travel market share.

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Impact Report

This report presents a small selection of stories to demonstrate the powerful, enduring impact of SITE Foundation on lives and livelihoods in our industry.

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Manifesto Series

Each year the crème de la crème of the Incentive Travel industry assembles in a motivational destination to discuss, debate and dialogue around the nature, purpose & direction of incentive travel.

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ITI - Regional & Sectoral Reports

SITE Foundation produced 3 long form studies commissioned from data compiled from the 2019 Incentive Travel Index (ITI).

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White Papers

White papers related to incentive travel

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