eBook Series

Destination eBooks by SITE are discovery handbooks created by SITE for, and on behalf of, destinations seeking to build purposeful connections with incentive travel professionals and thereby increase their inbound incentive travel market share.

They constitute an archival repository of quality destination content that can be accessed, on-demand, on SITEGlobal.com providing ideas, inspiration, information and insights to organisers of incentive travel experiences.

They’re also an extension of SITE’s mission to “build and bridge” cultures as they provide educational deep dives into what’s cool and unusual in each destination, helping destinations to spotlight their unique incentive-quality experiences.  

Transformative Journeys

This e-book delves into the seminal benefits of individual incentive travel, providing a comprehensive guide for companies looking to enhance their sales incentive and loyalty point reward programs. Powered by Pulse Experiential Travel.

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Asia-Pacific Incentives Spotlight

This eBook, Sarawak, Singapore, New Zealand, and Thailand, showcases unique cultural experiences, stunning landscapes, world-class amenities, and curated itinerary ideas for your next incentive program.

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Urban Incentives

Urban incentive destinations have proven themselves to be cultural hubs that exude energy and excitement, via their diverse populations, local traditions, history, and cuisine.

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Hawai'i Spotlight

Hawai‘i has long welcomed incentive travel guests with the spirit of aloha, showcasing its scenic wonders and multicultural values alongside incentive-ready elements.

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