Get to know our 2024 academic scholarship winner

Congratulations to Annette M. Ott-Barnett

2024 winner: Annette M. Ott-Barnett

Congratulations to Annette, who is currently a professional doctorate (research) candidate and international student at Torrens University in Australia. 

Annette is working toward completing her work over the next couple of years, with a thesis focused on food waste at business events. Here's a preview of what motivates Annette, and what made her a standout recipient for this year's SITE Foundation academic scholarship. 

1. What motivates you to strive for excellence in your education/career? 


I served in the U.S. Army from 1979 to 1981 as a military policewoman (M.P.) stationed primarily at Fort Ord, California. I did not have a glamorous position stationed at the front gate, waving in cars while wearing a big smile. Instead, I spent most of my time, sometimes weeks, in the field participating in prisoner-of-war training. This training is probably the reason they sent our M.P. division to Arkansas to help guard the Cubans incarcerated during the Cuban Refugee Crisis. We were only there for a few months, but I will never forget it. Soon after I arrived in Arkansas, they moved me to the M.P. station, where I performed administrative tasks, possibly due to my excellent writing and typing abilities. For our service, we received the Humanitarian Service Medal.

My administrative background in the military was not just a job; it was a stepping stone to a successful career. The drive and discipline instilled in me by the military were the key factors that helped me to succeed. For over 30 years, that experience and determination have propelled me into a lucrative career in event management. I, however, lost my job in 2013, and even though I had years of experience, I could not find a new one. Most employers were now requiring college degrees and extensive certifications. I had neither. I was too busy working and raising my two children. Since I could not get a degree quickly, I opted for certifications.

In just one year, amidst the daily grind of job searches, I embarked on a journey of personal growth and transformation. I earned three industry certifications—Certified Meeting Professional (CMP), Certification in Meeting Management (CMM), and Certified Association Executive (CAE). The latter follows an “aspirational ethical standard” of respect, responsibility, justice, fairness, and honesty. These values resonate deeply with me, much like the principles I swore to uphold when I first enrolled in the Army. This transformation, from a job seeker to a certified professional, is a testament to my unwavering commitment to excellence.

I would get more interviews with each certification earned, but they all ended with, “When and where did you graduate from college?” I knew now I could be an exceptional student, so one day, I drove to the community college, where I signed up for my first class.

In two years, I earned my associate degree with nearly a 3.9 GPA and summa cum laude status. Two years later, I earned a bachelor's degree in Sustainable Business Events and two minors: Tourism & Events Management/Nonprofit Studies (Fellows Program), again summa cum laude, and nearly a 4.0 GPA. And in 2020, during the upsurge of COVID, I earned my master’s with distinction in event management.

Based on my positive experience at the University of Technology Sydney (Australia), where I earned my master’s, I again temporarily moved back to Sydney to earn my doctorate. In September (2023), at 62, I began a Professional Doctor (Research) program. My thesis: Food waste reduction at business events. This three-year plus program will assist me in furthering my studies towards one-day teaching and sharing my industry knowledge at a local community college in the U.S. 

As I write this essay, I am three weeks from completing my second trimester at Torrens University. My grades are outstanding. All HDs, which here in Australia means the highest honours, and considered A+ in the U.S.

To answer the question, what is my motivation? I guess you could say pride. I have worked hard to get here and work hard every day to do my very best work. I am not sure that any of my professors over the last ten years would say differently. I was a hard worker for over 30 years when planning events, and I do the same thing today in my new full-time job—researching food waste.

2. What is your dream incentive travel program?

This is a very tough question—not for the reasons you might think. There are just too many possibilities. I do have a short story first. I remember planning a business event in Maui. I was in an incredible location, and the weather was perfect, but I was working 15-18-hour days. I never got to experience Maui, at least not on that visit. I have since been to Maui several times on holiday. Nevertheless, while I was working ‘hard’, there was an incentive group at the same hotel; in fact, they were prepping in a room next to our show office. I met with the planners there a few times. They were enjoying life. In fact, you would never think they were working. I was so jealous. I should have printed my resume and given them a copy with a big smile and spoke the words, "PLEASE HIRE ME!” That did not happen, and I continued to plan events for many more years, working endless hours. However, as mentioned above, I can say that the pride I experienced after every single event I completed was all that was needed to bring a smile to my face when the 5:00 AM alarm woke me up at the next event.

That said, my dream incentive travel program would be right here in Sydney, Australia. There are so many opportunities here, and the people are incredible. Yes, the flights are expensive. However, all other travel costs (hotel, ground transfers, F&B, and activities) are all very reasonable. My studies have also revealed a sustainable side of Sydney. 

As a frequent cruiser, my second choice is to host an incentive program on a cruise ship. There are so many cruise opportunities today, at every price point, on cruise ships of every shape and size that travel just about anywhere in the world, with event space that could fit most incentive group needs. The newest ships also have added sustainable features. On a positive note, most cabins do not have alarm clocks!

3. Describe what sparked your interest in the subject/career you are planning to pursue. 

This, too, is a difficult one to answer. After 30 years of planning business events, I am not sure what I want to do when I grow up. Although COVID threw a wrench in my plans, I wanted to become a college professor teaching what I know and love best—planning business events. 

After receiving my degree in Sydney, I hoped to return to the U.S. to find a job sharing this love for events. However, COVID changed the way we now think about events. Schools began dropping or reducing the number of event degrees and/or classes offered in the U.S. and globally. If I had any chance of teaching in this field, I would now have to consider getting a doctorate, which I am now pursuing. I hope that when I finish grad school, I will teach at a community college where I got my educational start. The alternative I am seriously considering is speaking at industry events. By the time I finish my doctorate, I should be an expert at food waste reduction at business events. This information could be extremely beneficial to the industry. I have a few years to figure this out. In the meantime, it is time to keep learning!

Written by

Annette Ott-Barnett

Annette Ott-Barnett

Professional Doctorate Candidate


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