Welcome to the new SITEGlobal.com

Welcome to your new SITEGlobal.com website

SITE's got a brand new look!

It is finally here, the launch of our all-new, all singing and dancing SITE Global website – a key element in the ongoing digital transformation initiative that SITE has been implementing for the past two years.

Led by the indefatigable Jenn Glynn, Immediate Past President of SITE, this work involved a root and branches re-organization of workflows and processes and an in-depth analysis of our stakeholders, audiences, and personae.

All SITE members will receive an email with specific log-in instructions and a request to immediately update their member profile. Updating your profile will provide you with the best possible experience on the new platform.

If you have not yet received an email with login instructions, please navigate to the login page, enter your email associated with your membership, and press the forgot password option to get started.

Happy browsing!

SITE President 2021, Aoife Delaney, welcomes you to the new SITEGlobal.com