SITE’s Rajeev Kohli, CIS, CITP inducted into Hall of Leaders

Las Vegas, 7 November 2021

Former two-term President of SITE, Rajeev Kohli, CIS, CITP, was today inducted into the Event Industry Council’s Hall of Leaders, the premier recognition programme in the business events industry, its de facto "lifetime achievement award." Rajeev joins an illustrious group of truly extraordinary  SITE leaders including Roger Tondeur, Patti Roscoe, Bill Boyd, Patrick Delaney, Fay Beauchine and the late Jane Schuldt to have received this prestigious award.

Commenting on the award, Jenn Glynn, CIS, CITP, Immediate Past President, SITE and Managing Partner, Meeting Encore Ltd said: “Rajeev has played a seminal role in SITE’s recent growth, bringing our association beyond its traditional borders into new, emerging regions and destinations. Always the big picture thinker and strategic innovator, many of Rajeev’s ideas and concepts have been at the heart of SITE's record growth in recent years. His focus on diversity and inclusion, for example, may be seen in the composition of the present SITE board where the demographic, ethic, age and gender balances are best-in-class.”

Aoife Delaney, CIS, CITP, President, SITE and Director of Global Sales & Marketing, The DMC Network added “At the heart of Rajeev’s personality and modus operandi, there’s a human decency that’s focused on giving, rather than receiving, being open rather than closed, sharing rather than hoarding, helping rather than seeking to be helped, serving rather than being served. These powerful values have driven all his achievements – his championing of diversity and inclusion, his great vision for youth, his passionate belief in the unique value of the DMC.”

Commenting on his induction into the Hall of Leaders, Rajeev Kohli said “I am stunned, humbled and super-excited. I never imagined how highly my friends and peers would think of me but I now realise, and not for the first time, that success in our industry is determined in no small part by the relationships you build along the way. Thank you to my friends at SITE, Euromic, across the Indian sub-continent and, indeed, all over the world.  If I stand here today, it’s because of you”.

Since 1985, the Events Industry Council has distinguished the industry through the Hall of Leaders awards programme in order to promote the value of the industry and the contributions of the leaders working within it. The award recognises outstanding leaders who have undoubtedly shaped the industry.


For more information

For more information, please contact Pádraic Gilligan, Chief Marketing Officer, SITE & SITE Foundation

About Events Industry Council

The Events Industry Council’s more than 30 member organisations represent over 103,500 individuals and 19,500 firms and properties involved in the events industry. The Events Industry Council’s vision is to be the global champion for event professionals and event industry excellence. It promotes high standards and professionalism in the events industry with the Certified Meeting Professional (CMP) programme and signature programme activities. The CMP credential is recognised globally as the badge of excellence in the events industry. The qualifications for certification are based on professional experience, education and a rigorous exam. The four signature programmes – Sustainability and Social Impact, Accepted Practices Exchange (APEX), Knowledge and Leadership – represent the key initiatives, assets, services and products for the Events Industry Council. 


EIC is the global voice of the business events industry on advocacy, research, professional recognition and standards.

About SITE  and SITE Foundation

Incentive travel, the “I” in MICE, is the fastest growing sector of the Business Events industry with the highest per capita spend and the widest supply chain. Accounting for about 7% of all Business Events activities, the Events Industry Council’s Global Economic Impact study (2018) estimates the incentive travel industry to be worth around $75 billion globally. The Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE) is the only Business Events association dedicated exclusively to the global incentive travel industry.

Founded in 1973, we are a professional association of 2,000 members located in 90 countries, working in corporations, agencies, airlines, cruise companies and across the entire destination supply chain. We bring value to our members at both global and local chapter level by networking, online resources, education, certification and advocacy. SITE is deeply committed to the new generation and operates a best-in-class Young Leaders program and dedicated annual conference.

SITE Foundation was established by SITE to raise funds and support research, education and advocacy projects on behalf of the incentive travel industry. Monies raised by SITE Foundation enable us to make the business case for incentive travel and highlight the transformational potential of travel experiences on individuals, enterprises and communities. SITE Foundation has recently funded certification for mid-manager level incentive travel professionals (CITP) and, with our partners Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) and Financial & Insurance Conference Professionals (FICP), the Incentive Travel Industry Index (ITII).

The SITE Foundation is a registered charity holding a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization status.


Rajeev Kohli

Written by

SITE Staff


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