SITE’s global community of incentive travel professionals stands in solidarity with our members and friends in Turkey

The global SITE community mourns with, and stands ready to support, our MICE industry friends and colleagues affected by this week's earthquake and aftershocks in Turkey and the surrounding region.

SITE's global community of incentive travel professionals has had the privilege of experiencing Turkey's extraordinary incentive travel offering many times, most recently during SITE’s 2019 Executive Summit. We know first-hand how resilient the talented professionals are who work in, and shape such a special destination, and extend a strong offer of aid and support. 

"I'm struck by the deep relationships I've forged during SITE's work with our Turkish partners and know the SITE community will rise to the challenge of helping our friends rebuild and recover," said 2023 SITE President Kevin Edmunds, who was present at the 2019 Summit.

"I look forward to working further with our Turkish chapter and members in the area, and to finding ways we can tap into SITE's many resources to offer assistance," said Annette Gregg, SITE CEO."In a changing-yet-interconnected world, it's imperative for us to come together as an industry during challenging periods like this." 

Hasan Dinc, ODS Turkey, and current member of SITE’s International Board of Directors, said, “We are overwhelmingly touched by all the messages and phone calls we have been receiving. This tragic disaster is widespread over ten cities and severe winter conditions in the region are challenging rescue missions. Despite all, our pain is slightly eased by the fact that our entire nation is united and selflessly coordinating the necessary aid to the regions.”

For anyone who would like to show support and contribute to particular aid campaigns, Hasan recommends JustGiving (a platform of many trusted NGOs).

Written by

SITE Staff


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