SITE HQ and SITE Chapter Leadership

Working together on SITE’s vision, mission and pillars

Strategic Architecture

Over the past number of years, SITE’s elected leadership has been deep diving into our foundations, investigating our purpose and raison d’etre, asking the seminal questions around why SITE exists? what makes SITE unique? what does SITE offer indispensably?

With assistance from Martin Lowery of OpusVertix International, SITE’s international board of directors created new strategic architecture with cogent statements around mission and vision and clear identification of our 4 key pillars – community, education, advocacy and operational excellence. 

Strategic Architecture

Our Mission

Advancing the business case for incentive travel & motivational experiences through global connections, education and advocacy

Our Vision

Building and bridging cultures through the transformative power of incentive travel & motivational experiences

We are now actively workshopping the strategic architecture with our chapter leadership and have already completed one workshop, which was sponsored by Business Events Australia. SITE’s interim Executive Director and Head of Chapter Engagement, Rebecca Wright, CIS, CITP commented: “Our multi-national Board did a great job at defining our reputation (vision) and setting out what we plan to do (mission) but now it’s crucial that this becomes enculturated across our global chapter network so that we are all aligned around these important statements. That’s the key objective for these workshops”.

The first workshop, facilitated by Andrew Romeo of AFR Organizational Consulting, was structured around defining the strategic architecture to the chapter leaders, aided by a single page summary grid highlighting the importance of each statement. This was followed by a chapter-specific breakout and then a general discussion. Comments collected during the first workshop indicate that chapter leaders found great resonance in the core statements particularly around building and bridging cultures and communities.

Written by

SITE Staff


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