Memories that will last a lifetime

Intro to 50 Reasons to Love SITE

Crowd-sourced from our members and chapters, our 50 reasons to love SITE campaign is part of the celebration of our golden anniversary.

Check back for regular updates throughout the year, as other individuals and SITE chapters share their stories with us.



I have been a proud and active member of SITE for 34 years. Without question, my involvement with SITE helped further my career in the incentive travel industry.

The industry education has been helpful over the years; the networking and discovery of so many fantastic destinations has been exciting; and most of all the many, many friendships I have gained have been invaluable and very beneficial.

The stories over that many years are numerous, but suffice it to say, as I head into retirement early this year, my SITE memories will last a lifetime. The SITE events were always fun and in great destinations.

I enjoyed serving on several SITE committees, on the SITE Foundation as trustee, and most of all, I’m pleased to have spent two terms on the SITE International Board of Directors during tumultuous times.

I’ve always felt blessed to be in this industry, making so many connections with people from literally every corner on Earth. Now as I bid adieu, my goal will be to maintain as many of those friendships as possible.

It’s been a great run and so much more fun because of SITE!

Mark Bondy
VIKTOR Incentives & Meetings


Written by

Mark Bondy

Mark Bondy



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