A Love Letter to SITE

Intro to 50 Reasons to Love SITE

Crowd-sourced from our members and chapters, our 50 reasons to love SITE campaign is part of the celebration of our golden anniversary.

Check back for regular updates throughout the year, as other individuals and SITE chapters share their stories with us.



Writing this between a transfer to the marina and “advancing” two catamarans for different groups, the sun is rising, as you know, I am fortunate of living in one of the most beautiful places on earth.

We are experiencing one of the busiest seasons, and I can’t help but thinking, at this time [just before SITE Global Conference,] I should be taking a plane to meet you in New York City.

We first met in Costa Rica back in 2001. It was love at first sight. Sparks, fireworks, you mesmerized me with your knowledge and interesting conversations. I met incredible people because of you. What was not to love, right? We then promised to see each other again every year, different place. Like good friends.

Our love grew and I couldn’t wait to see you in fabulous destinations, every year was different, our conversations elevated. Smiling familiar faces popped up each time around us as they became friends, later family.

Three years later, I decided it was time to engage. Getting more serious, getting involved. From 2004, my heart was yours forever. Almost 20 years have passed, and although I cannot see you in beautiful places more often, you live in me with every incentive group coming home, with every client goal achieved, with every letter saying thanks for the best incentive experience.

Oh, I know I have made you proud! Corporate clients share their concepts with me and I learn from them too, the way you taught me. I feel fortunate to get the pulse of the incentives industry right in my fingertips and appreciate you even more.

If I knew then what I know now! I feel empowered and strong for my community, I see a brighter future for all those who get to know you for the first time, and I hope they love you the way I do.

One day not long from now you will come home, and I will see you, powerful as ever, enjoy our conversations, exchange of ideas and knowledge. I will see you, and I will see those smiling faces that became family coming together, right here where I live! And I can’t wait.


Julia Trejo

Director of Business Development, Terramar Puerto Vallarta


Written by

Julia Trejo

Julia Trejo

Director of Business Development


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