Celebrating 50 years of Incentive Travel by connecting & engaging with SITE's global community of incentive travel professionals

As SITE’s golden jubilee draws to a close, we’re convening our global community together on Dec., 4th, now officially designated as SITE DAY in commemoration of our foundation, on that date, in New York City in 1973.

We’re delighted to host this innovative virtual event on Braindate, a unique way for people to learn from each other, and form valuable connections based on topics of interest. 

Braindates are one-on-one or small roundtable conversations (via video chat) based on topics posted by SITE and by you and your fellow participants on the platform. They can be used to brainstorm, solve challenges, share expertise or experiences while meeting & engaging with like-minded professionals.

SITE Day will take place on Monday, December 4 and will run from 9am - 12pm CST.


How to Braindate?

One week prior to the event, you will receive login details via email that'll allow you to access the Braindate platform. From here you can explore a wide-ranging agenda of "topic roundtables" that SITE has curated; add your own topic roundtables to the schedule; and send and accept invitations for one-to-one meetups.

All topics have an allocated start and end time, so you can build out a personal agenda.

On Monday, December 4, log on to SITE's Braindate platform to participate in the live event via video chat.

Thank you to our sponsors

4 Dec, 2023, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm


Register here

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