An alluring incentive travel destination is often the most motivating factor for your team, but it may be the challenge to achieve itself which proves key to a truly transformative reward. 

As SITE research shows, top employees are by nature competitive, driven individuals, for whom the challenge of qualifying for an incentive reward is the second biggest motivating factor. 

When selecting your next incentive, it’s imperative the reward not only offers a spectacular destination, but also satisfies your top performers’ hunger for a challenge.  

With the world’s longest coastline, awe-inspiring natural beauty and a boundless spirit of adventure, Canada can do just that. Here are some of the epic challenges that await! 

ice fishing

River Ice Canoeing in Québec City

For a unique challenge, venture to the magnificent frozen waterscape of the St. Lawrence River in the heart of Québec City, Québec. The traditional winter activity of ice canoeing will energize your team, as they learn to row and scooter across the icy riverscape—enhanced by a hot chocolate stop on drifting ice. An invigorating reward you'll find nowhere else in Canada. 

Aqua Gliding with Belugas in Churchill 

Push your team beyond their comfort zone—and into Arctic waters, accompanied by beautiful beluga whales. Aqua gliding on a specially-designed mat tethered to a zodiac, your top performers will be immersed in the whales’ natural habitat near Churchill, Manitoba—followed by a high tide barbecue lunch. A once-in-a-lifetime adventure to reward your team’s success.

aqua gliding

Glacial Plunge in Clayoquot 

Soaring in a helicopter over the majestic mountains surrounding Clayoquot Wilderness Lodge in British Columbia may not seem too challenging. Now imagine the adrenaline rush as your top performers land on an alpine peak and plunge into the icy cold waters of a pristine glacial lake. An immersive journey in the heart of nature that will refresh and energize your team. 

Iceberg Chasing in St. John’s

On this legendary Iceberg Alley challenge in St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, your top performers will kayak the Atlantic Ocean, ride a heli over the island’s dramatic coastline and hike along its rugged clifftops—chasing beautiful, immense icebergs as they drift along Canada’s East Coast. A transformative adventure 10,000 years in the making.


Skydome Aurora Viewing in Yellowknife

To feel motivated beyond measure, competitive performers must venture beyond their limits—perhaps into the Northwest Territories’ snowy subarctic. Dogsledding through ancient boreal forest, marvelling as the vivid aurora illuminates the night sky, sharing Indigenous culture, history and teachings within a cozy geodesic skydome, this is a truly profound reward that will take your team beyond their limits—and their wildest expectations.

As the second biggest country in the world, Canada offers an astonishing array of adventurous incentives to reward groups of all sizes—making it the perfect challenge for your top performers.

Connect with the team directly:

Jennifer Attersall, Acting Senior Director, Business Events, Destination Canada


Phone: +1 403-923-5972